What kind of organic plants grow here even during "winter"?
As a complete beginner without much experience in gardening, I decided to find out the basics of gardening, asking for advice from both your Estonian and Italian friend as well researching and practicing  myself. Today, after a year of experience, I can say that all of this has paid off.

It's a bit unusual for a Northern European person that you can pick lemons with your own hands on 1st of March! Juicy, fresh and wonderfully tasting lemons.
In this climate, lemons grow and ripen all year round. It is recommended to protect the trees with a covering vein for the winter period (December-February) as during the night, in fact for a few hours in the morning, the air temperature can drop to -1-2 degrees below zero. However, daytime is still filled with sunshine and warmth.

Cabbages, spinach, carrots and herbs grow in the open without any covers. You always aways able to head to the garden and  have a fresh supply of romanesco, cauliflower or green onions.
In order to harvest the crop in February-March, the cabbage plants must be planted at the end of November.

Here at Alpiangel Holiday Home we only grow only organic products in our vegetable garden. The organic fertiliser is homemade as we compost natural waste like cut grass and food waste ourselves.

Read more about how and what we do in the garden in March from our next blog post.

Gardening in march

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