Gardening in march

March 2022 has had exceptionally poor rainfall.
The lack of rain has made the gardener's job a little more time-consuming, but at the same time, this daily watering work has already paid off.

For example, radish seeds, which were planted on 2nd of March, have already become beautifully sprouted plants after 10 days.

Rucola leaves have all grown and are ready to be turned into a salad. By the way, rucola easily survives the "winter" here and does not need any covers or other care.

In addition to cherries, peaches also blossom here in March.

Potatoes were planted on 24th of March. Hopefully a good potato harvest is coming this year too :)

Beets, cauliflower, celery and fennel have been planted. The seeds have been sown for Turkish beans, parsley and leeks, and this year I also tried to sow red onion from the seeds.

Additionally, laurel trees and a red pear tree has been planted.

Speaking of the harvest in March, both the carrots and the last heads of the cauliflower were harvested.

Looking forward to April and will keep my dear readers informed!


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